Sunday, September 21, 2008

Missionary Work

Well, since I have been home I have had some missionary experiences that of course I love! However, theres nothing that compares to being a full time missionary. On Friday I was having a bad day so I decided to drive to Provo to be with some of my friends from the mission. On Saturday one of my past companions and I went to the temple and then went to the MTC to volunteer as investigators for the missionaries to practice on. It was so AWESOME!! It felt so good to be at the MTC and feel the spirit there. It was also just so cool to see all the young men and women preparing to serve the people of whatever mission they were going to. The two elders that taught me were going to New Jersey. As they taught they were so nervous and reading from their notes and forgot stuff, but the spirit was there and it was awesome!! It had been about exactly two years since I was in that same position. I could remember the feelings I felt and then to think of how quickly my mission went by. I miss it a lot still mostly just teaching people and being so close to the spirit. Then, I was fortunate to be able to go to one of the Elders who was in MTC with me Homecoming talk in Salt Lake. It was in an all Tongan Stake and the music was beautiful and his talk was awesome. He shared some really amazing miracles and it made me think of all the miracles I saw on the mission. God really blesses his missionaries! I would not trade those moments of my mission the good, the bad, and the ugly for anything. A mission is the hardest but the most rewarding experience a young person can have or anyone. I am so grateful that God knew what was best for me in my life and allowed me to serve a mission. Everyday I see the blessings that come from it also I have had the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the neatest people. I have learned much from others! Above are some photos from my mission.


Jason said...

You're awesome Darla!-Love Cali

Johnsons said...

Oh, your pictures totally made me think of my mission. I love that we served in the same place! You are so cute. I still feel those same feelings about being a missionary. I am so glad that I went, and grateful for the lessons that I learned. You are the best, and we miss you out here!

Jason and Dana said...

Awww Abby, looking at those pictures and the music and reading what you made me teary eyed. I think I might have said this before, but it made me feel how huge of an impact your mission had on you. Am I a dork or what? I love you Abby and you're amazing!

Lori said...

Thanks for sharing your mission Pics! It's fun to see you in that light; you make a very cute missionary:)