The Past two years have been unreal. I have not had to deal with the daily stresses of normal life like bills and school. It has been kinda nice actually. Yes, I was excited to get back into the swing of things and have a regular schedule but it has been a little overwhelming. As a missionary I only lived on $127 a month. That would be impossible in my life now. So, now i have cell phone bills, college bills, and soon to be car bills. That alone is enough to stress me out especially since i live in Idaho where people do not get paid well. I was spoiled living in Virginia where i made lots of money and I could just save it. I didn't have to pay for anything except the Metro to and from work and to buy clothes. I am so grateful my aunt was able to do that for me so I could have some money to get on my feet. I would be in a lot of trouble right now without it. Then there is school. After two years of not going to school it can stress a person out. I felt really dumb my first day of school. Now, that it has been two weeks I feel a little better. In fact I just got done taking my first math test and I feel like I did pretty well, I at least felt like I knew how to answer every question. Well, the greatest part of it all is taking Institute. Among these past two weeks and feeling a lot stressed out I have had the opportunity to take The New Testament class. We have been talking about the Sermon on the Mount and it has been very insightful for me. I, by taking institute, have realized that why i am so stressed out is I am not putting my priorities in the right place. Sometimes i am forgetting to read my scriptures or say my morning prayers. Doing these things make a huge difference in the way i feel especially my stress level. So, it has been good for the weekly reminders in Institute amongst the times of being in the World so to speak. But, I am so grateful for the gospel and how it helps me in all aspects of my life. Really, when I look at the grand scheme of things i realize I just need to chillax.
This was the Life..this is the Stake President's Cabin I stayed at two nights before I left Virginia it was so amazing, I love this place. 
Me and Hannah drinking some hot chocolate after swimming in the lake!
Me and Hannah drinking some hot chocolate after swimming in the lake!
Me and Lizzie Waiting for the Tube Ride!
Having a Good Time getting air on the Tube!
Very true. I can't imagine the feelings you are having after serving a mission, but I definately feel out of sorts when I forget to keep my priorities straight. Sometimes it takes life feeling a little crazy before we straighten things out. You'll do great! You are so sweet and you have a testimony--that's what matters most! Good luck!
Love the pictures!
Abby! You are amazing. I'm sure you're going to do really good in school. I can tell how big of an impact your mission made by how out of place you feel. I miss Institute classes...lucky!
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