Monday, August 25, 2008

Our Backward Triathlete Weekend

Entering the City you have to go in the Lincoln Tunnel which is underwater, it is pretty crazy and pretty Scary when you really think about, we were glad there was no traffic and we weren't under there for long!!
We didn't make it to the Statue of Liberty so we got to take a picture by a fake one!! Hey,I think it's just as good!

The New York City Skyline from the Car!
Me,Hannah, and Mary Lynne right before leaving!
Me and Brandon right in the middle of all the Craziness in Time Square
Outside of the Toy Store taking our turn at watch...
The New York City Library something I had never seen before but it was actually really neat and beautiful inside!

My aunt is training for a triathlon that she is doing in September. Now training takes a lot of discipline and keeps you always on your toes.  She has inspired me to also train for one, it just wont be in September.  So, we have done our swimming, biking, and running. I am still working on getting in shape after my 1.5 year break from real exercise.  Since we have talked about this our last weekend could be compared to running a triathlon. Three quick events and all in the name of fun.

First Part of the Backwards Triathlete: Running through New York City
We on Thursday on a whim decided to head to New York City so I could experience the city again. I have been there before but it's always fun and exciting to see the city that is in every movie.  We left about 6:30 a.m. to make the 3.5 hour drive to the city.  We arrived and like always the city was crazy busy. This was my first time going with kids and it was a little nerve wracking. I was always wondering and accounting for each child.  As we crossed the streets sometimes they would be oblivious to the yellow taxi speedily coming their way.  Luckily we made it through the day all safe and sound(what a relief!!) We mostly just "Ran" through the city looking at all the different buildings and famous churches, time square, and of course the apple store and the Toy stores.  We tried to make it to the top of the Empire State Building but the line was an hour long.  I mostly love going to the city to see all the people. Granted, I would never want to live here because of that same reason.  I find it so interesting the different lives people lead. Just like in DC I often look at people and I wonder what their lives consist of what they value, what do they do for fun, what kind of house do they live in, what kind of car do they drive, do they have kids.  Call me crazy but people just fascinate me.  I think going to the city and taking the metro into DC everyday has gotten me adjusted to City life more because New York didn't seem quite as overwhelming as it has in the past.  My Heart goes out to the countless numbers of children and teenagers who are raised in the city. I can't imagine my childhood without trees, grass, and open space.  I am grateful for the carefree childhood I had and that my parents could rest easy knowing we were safely playing in the back yard.  It was a great and fast day and the kids did awesome with all the walking we did.  After the day the kids were tired, I was tired, and our legs were tired!

1 comment:

Johnsons said...

Abby, how are you liking it out there? We miss you!!