Well yesterday was an interesting day to say the least. I woke up at 5:30 am to go running with Ann. It felt good to run outside since it's been awhile and I absolutley love it. So that was good, and we got home and got ready to head to the beach. We have to leave pretty early because the nicer beach was apparently a 2 or so long drive. We drove through some crazy busy traffic and street market areas for about 45 mins to an hour. Then, something amazing happened the congestion cleared a bit. We got out on a road that we could go faster than 25-30 mph. However, this also seemed to show the poverty even more. We passed by many tent villages and we saw many people working hard. I saw a lot more kids today and it melted my heart. I saw many many naked boys and girls. I think just like any kid maybe they just liked to be naked. It did break my heart however when I saw little boys and girls just working so hard and a lot of times by themselves. I often saw them without parents or others around them. It really fascinates me this life does. I kept thinking about how accutley aware God is of all these people despite all their sufferings and trials. I am lead to be very humbled as I have never experienced hardship as these people have. However, most of the tap taps or just things written on the street say Merci Jesus. Thank you Jesus. I am grateful for their faithful examples to me. I can't wait to get to church and associate with them. So, we kept driving we had to make a pit stop for the little girl to go potty. It was interesting not like a normal gas station. I stood guard of the car while Ann ran to the side of the building with Aubree. We continued driving and quite honestly minus all the poverty everywhere along with the garbage this is a beautiful country. We could see the ocean for much of our drive on one side and the other side is mountains with beautiful palm trees and banana trees. If they could get this area somewhat more tourist available it would really do them some good. So, it was just me and the mom and kids. The husband had to work today. So, we got all the way to the entrance of the beach hotel we were going to. As we were stopped, we had our blinker on, and we were getting ready to turn left, as we began to do so all of the sudden we were being smashed into. A Haitain police car rammed into the side of our car. I was in shock of what just happened and I should have been terrified. However, God really blessed me to be calm and try to figure out the situation. Ann was crying rightfully so and we hurried and called her husband, mind you we were 2 hours away from the Embassy. Very quickly we started to be surrounded by Haitains coming realllly out of no where. No one offered to help they all just started surrounding our car. We don't speak the language so we couldn't tell anyone what just happened or ask what we should do. So, in her training Ann was told if there is ever an accident to hurry and get away. So, we did that. We got out of the car into the crowd of people. We gathered our belongings and we locked the car and left it. We went to where the security guard of the hotel was and luckily someone who spoke English came up to us. He said we should get away and go to the beach because otherwise people would start asking for money and would probably start getting angry. So, we did just that. The car could not move and we were left with no other option. The nice men who spoke English gave us a lift down the road to the beach Entrance. So, mind you we just left complete povery and a crowd of people. As I entered this "resort" i was amazed. It looked like something you'd see in a magazine for a tropical paradise. it was beautiful the ocean was so pretty and we walked in to a pool and beach cabannas all along the beach. We went and got settled and tried to enjoy the beach while we waited for everyone who could help us arrive.
Our Umbrella |
The Indigo Club Beach
At the beach it was beautiful. I saw many little Haitian kids playing in the pool and on the beach. I also saw some little "white" children playing with them. I was curious. Well later in the day some of those Haitian kids came over and wanted to play with us. They spoke English. The two that really talked to me were Ellen and Isaac. They were very cute. They told me they were orphans. They were so intrigued by us, just as much as I was intrigued by them. They played for a little while and it was so cute because they copied everything Brady was doing. They were like sponges. When we were about to leave the little children from the orphonage were like bye Abby. I don't know why but it just melted my heart. They were so cute. I can't wait to get into and orphange. I really got to start learning French so I can be able to communicate with them better. Anyway, we made it home safely and the car is ruined but fortunatley I wasn't driving. If an American here is driving and isn't associated with the Embassy they could be taken to jail. So, as Americans come here they really need to be careful and take precautions. All in all it was an interesting day and Im so glad God watched over us. He is truly apart of our lives and is mindful of each of his children whatever part of the world they may be in.
Oh my goodness! That's crazy! Please, please be careful! I really worry about you over there, ya know. You'd think I was your Momma or something! haha :) The beach looked beautiful! Isn't it crazy how you look one direction and there's a lot of poverty, and you look the other direction and there's beauty? It was kind of like that where we were this past May in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. Crazy, crazy...
Crazy!! I am glad that you are OK!! It sounds like you are having some neat experiences. We really take alot for granted living here in the states. Take care and be safe! Love ya girl!
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